Ontmoet de mensen achter MOOV

Onze mensen zijn onze belangrijkste grondstof. Veel van onze werknemers werken achter de schermen om de kwalitatieve service te bieden waar onze cliënten en partners dagelijks op kunnen vertrouwen. De onderstaande mensen leiden en sturen onze organisatie aan op dagelijkse basis, met als doel het welzijn van onze partners en werknemers te vergroten.

Tom Hoorn

General Manager

Als de kapitein van ons schip, is onze general manager Tom Hoorn altijd bezig. Met een actieve en duurzame management stijl, stuurt hij MOOV naar de nieuwe horizon. Geboren in 1988, Tom is continue actief met China bezig geweest. Na het behalen van zijn MA diploma aan de Universiteit van Leiden, begon hij zijn carrière bij de Bank of China. In 2013, werd hij de man die ons bedrijf mocht gaan aansturen.

Als het centrale figuur achter MOOV, heeft Tom jarenlange ervaring op het gebied van business administration, leiderschap, business development en sales. Met multiculturele ervaring, blijft hij aan MOOV bouwen om de reputatie als experts of EU-CN logistiek te blijven realiseren.

Mark Frans

Deputy Manager

As tweede in lijn, regelt onze deputy manager Mark Frans de interne operatie van MOOV. Geboren in 1987, Mark studeerde aan de Erasmus Universiteit in Rotterdam, waar hij tevens een jaar aan de Universiteit van Hainan studeerde. In 2014 voegde Mark zich bij MOOV, waar hij de post van deputy manager op zich nam en naast Tom het bedrijf vanuit niets ging opbouwen.

Als het tweede belangrijke figuur achter MOOV, heeft Mark diepgaande ervaring in zowel het operationele als juridische vlak. Met multiculturele ervaring, werkt Mark samen met onze general manager om het bedrijf te ontwikkelen en te laten groeien.


Benny Zhang

Head of Innovation & IT

No company can develop without going along with its time. Benny has over 17 years of experience in Enterprise Information System Solutions, covering the full cycle of IT service from solution and architecture to implementation and post support with taking a leadership/management role as well as a good technical adviser. Benny is also experienced in proactively managing stakeholder relationships and expectations to assist businesses in strategic planning and innovation through various modern solutions and project methodologies.

At MOOV, Benny Zhang manages the IT&BA team, who can support core business systems and implement new features and customers, building a team that can support each other and handles any challenge together.

Cicy Lian

Head of General Affairs

Cicy Lian, oversees the quality and our day-to-day running. Graduated from Shanghai Tongji University with a bachelor in economics, she worked as a consultant of foreign investment from 2001 until 2007. Afterwards, she joined Overhead Door corporation under which she gained experience as head of HR & admin. In January 2018, she joined the MOOV family, and used her rich experiecne to direct and manage the growing amount of MOOV employees and daily operation.

As part of our management team, Cicy ensures the hiring- and maintaining of high-quality personnel in accordance with our growth of our company.


Jon Yang

Head of Tailwind Partnership

Jon has been in the industry for more than 15 years. He has worked for not only the world’s leading container shipping lines but also general cargo/bulk operators, focusing on regional business developments and management.

At MOOV, Jon oversees the entire liner operation across Asia, ensuring seamless operations and driving the expansion of our business territories. Leveraging his extensive experience, he continuously pursues enhancements in cost-effectiveness, quality, and service delivery. His team forms the core of our company, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Chester Cai

Head of Human Resources

As the head of Human Resources at MOOV Logistics, Chester’s role is to develop and execute the Human Resources strategies and plans to address our overall business growth needs by leading daily HR operation through talent acquisition, learning and development, employee engagement, compensation and benefits, talent management, HR information systems and financial planning of the department, aiming to shape a people centered positive culture.

Before joining MOOV, Chester worked for a worldwide leading logistics company. He brings 20 years of extensive experience in HR to his current position.

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Quentin De Roo

Head of Business Development

Quentin developed deep understanding of client relations and expectations, and has been in developing international sales teams with focus on B2B sales for about 10 years.

At MOOV, Quentin controls the sales processes, marketing output, procurement, key account management and product innovation. Quentin drives the business development strategy of MOOV, building a team to satisfy customer needs sustainably.

Kva Zhou

Head of Finance

In een gezond bedrijf zijn de financies cruciaal. De taak om de financiën van MOOV te overzien en te managen ligt bij onze head of finance, Kva Zhou. Met een rijke ervaring aan business finance, opgedaan in haar vorige posities, versterkte Kva MOOV in 2013. Met vele jaren ervaring, leidt zij het financiële team om MOOV veilig en gezond te houden.

Naast het managen van het bedrijf, de mensen en de operatie, zij de financiën het middel om het allemaal mogelijk te maken. Kva werkt samen met andere MOOV werknemers om te verzekeren dat de MOOV business veilig en gezond blijft, voor zowel ons bedrijf als voor onze reputatie naar onze cliënten.

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Ivan Todorov

Head of Business Development

Ivan has lived for almost 6 years in Netherlands and graduated from Erasmus University Rotterdam, as well as over 2 years in China. He has accumulated over 5 years of experience in China-Europe logistics.

Throughout his career, at MOOV, he has been dedicated to developing innovative solutions tailored to customers’ needs, particularly in rail and ocean freight, as well as contract logistics. As Head of Business Development, his primary responsibility is to drive the creation of new ideas and products. His goal is to contribute towards establishing robust and efficient supply chains that enhance our clients’ operational effectiveness.

Dancy Jin

Head of Operation

With over 20 years of experience in freight forwarding, Dancy has extensive expertise in integrating traditional operational processes and PO management with advanced, digitized automation solutions, delivering a best-in-class customer experience.

As the Head of Operations at MOOV, she leads a skilled team that specializes in VMT operations, freight forwarding, IC, and warehouse functions. She is confident that our entire operations team will work efficiently and collaboratively, moving together with the company towards legendary achievements.

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