Exciting "MOOV" spin-off

  KLG China has become MOOV Logistics. It’s a smarter, faster solutions-based answer to moving goods globally, and even though it’s a fresh, striking new brand, you’ll recognise all the…

A new website

Moving towards Logistics 2.0 - New Logistics Approach Here at MOOV, we pursue the transformative agenda of changing ordinary logistics into Logistics 2.0. Part of our transformation is redesigning of…

Pandemic Logistics

The Control Tower and disaster mitigation Last January, during the weeklong Chinese holiday called Spring festival, troubling reports of a mysterious virus outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan emerged.…

A 100 years of MOOV

KLG's Birthday On the 2nd June, 2018, we celebrated KLG Europe 100 years’ anniversary together with MOOV China 5 years’ anniversary on a cruise on the Bund. There was 180 participants including CEO…

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